Aberto (Noble)
Abramo (Father of many)
Achile (Embodies grief of the people)
Adalberto (Bright nobility)
Adalgiso (Noble, Precious promise)
Adamo (Earth, Red)
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Adolfo (Noble wolf)
Adone (My Lord)
Adriano (From Hadria)
Aemiliano (Rival, Emulating)
Aemilio (Rival, Emulating)
Aeneas (To praise)
Affonso (Noble and ready)
Agapeto (Beloved)
Agapito (Beloved)
Agostino (Venerable)
Alanzo (Ready for battle)
Alba (Scotland)
Alberico (Elf ruler)
Alberto (Bright nobility)
Albirto (Bright nobility)
Aldo (Little old sword)
Aldobrandino (Little old sword)
Alessandro (Defender of mankind)
Alessio (Defender)
Alfeo (Elf counsel)
Alfieri (Standard bearer)
Alfio (Elf counsel)
Alfonso (Noble and ready)
Alfredo (Elf counsel)
Alonso (Noble and ready)
Alonzo (Noble and ready)
Aloysius (Famous warrior)
Alrigo (Ruler of the estate)
Alvise (Famous warrior)
Amadeo (God's love)
Amadore (Lover)
Amando (Lovable)
Amato (Beloved)
Ambrogio (Immortal)
Ambrosi (Immortal)
Amedeo (God's love)
Amerigo (Work, Power)
Amintore (Defender)
Amo (The eagle rules)
Ampelio (Vine)
Anacleto (Called back, Invoked)
Anastagio (Resurrection)
Anastasio (Resurrection)
Anastasius (Resurrection)
Anatolio (East, Sunrise)
Andino (Manly, Brave)
Andrea (Man, Warrior)
Angelico (Angelic)
Angelo (Angel, Messenger)
Angioletto (Angel, Messenger)
Angiolo (Angel, Messenger)
Aniello (Little lamb)
Anjelo (Angel, Messenger)
Annibale (The grace of the God Ba'al)
Anselmo (Divine helmet)
Antioco (Stubborn)
Antonello (Invaluable)
Antonino (Invaluable)
Antonio (Invaluable)
Antony (Praiseworthy)
Apollinare (Greek God Apollo)
Arcangelo (Archangel)
Arduino (Hardy friend)
Arlo (Free man)
Armand (Soldier)
Armando (Army man)
Armani (Free man)
Armanno (Soldier)
Armino (Soldier)
Armo (Crew)
Armond (Army man)
Arnaldo (Eager power)
Arnaud (Eager power)
Arnoldo (Eager power)
Aroghetto (Estate ruler)
Aroldo (Army leader)
Aronne (Exalted)
Arrighetto (Estate ruler)
Arrigo (Estate ruler)
Arsenio (Virile)
Arturo (Bear man)
Attilo (Father)
Augustino (Venerable)
Augusto (Venerable)
Aurelio (Golden)
Azzo (From Acca)
Azzolino (From Acca)
Baiardo (Reddish brown)
Baldassare (Ba'al protect the king)
Baldassario (Ba'al protect the king)
Baldovino (Brave friend)
Bartolo (Son of Talmai)
Bartolomeo (Son of Talmai)
Bartolommeo (Son of Talmai)
Basilio (King)
Battista (To dip, Baptist)
Bautista (To dip, Baptist)
Bellarmine (Beautiful armor)
Bellino (Handsome)
Beltrano (Bright raven)
Belvedere (Beautiful to see)
Benedetto (Blessed)
Benedict (Blessed)
Beniamino (Son of the right hand)
Benigno (Kind, Benevolent)
Benito (Blessed)
Benvenuto (Well arrived)
Benvolio (Affectionate, Benevolent)
Beppe (He will add)
Berengar (Bear spear)
Bernardino (Bold as a bear)
Bernardo (Bold as a bear)
Bertrando (Brilliant raven)
Bettino (Blessed)
Biaggio (Stutterer)
Biagio (Stutterer)
Biaiardo (Reddish brown)
Blandino (Amiable)
Bonaventura (Good fortune)
Bonaventure (Good fortune)
Bonfilio (Good son)
Bonifacio (Good fate)
Bonito (Goodness)
Brando (Brilliant raven)
Brizio (Craftsman)
Bruno (Brown haired)
Buonfiglio (Good son)
Caj (From Caieta)
Cajetan (From Caieta)
Callisto (Most beautiful)
Calogero (Beautiful elder)
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Calvino (Little bald one)
Camillo (Attendant)
Cappi (Lucky)
Carlo (Free man)
Carmelo (Fruit orchard)
Carmine (Purplish red)
Carmyne (Garden, Orchard)
Caseario (Long haired)
Cason (House)
Cecilio (Blind)
Celso (High, Lofty)
Cesare (Long haired)
Cesario (Long haired)
Cipriano (From Cyprus)
Ciriaco (Of the Lord)
Ciro (Like the sun)
Claudio (Lame)
Clemente (Gentle and merciful)
Colombo (Dove)
Colonel (Column)
Constantin (Firm)
Corrado (Sage counselor)
Cosimo (Order, Beauty)
Cosmas (Order, Beauty)
Cosmo (Order, Beauty)
Cristiano (Christian)
Cristoforo (Christ bearer)