Abelie (Honeysuckle)
Abra (Mother of many nations)
Abree (Mother of many nations)
Abri (Mother of many nations)
Abriana (Mother of many nations)
Abrianna (Mother of many nations)
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Abrielle (Mother of many nations)
Abrienne (Mother of many nations)
Adalgisa (Noble pledge)
Adalina (Little noble)
Addolorata (Sorrows)
Adelisa (Of the nobility, Noble)
Adona (My lord)
Adreana (Dark)
Adriana (Dark)
Adrianna (Dark)
Adrienna (Dark)
Agata (Good)
Agnella (Pure)
Agnese (Chaste, Pure)
Agostina (Venerable)
Aida (Happy)
Airiana (Very holy one)
Alba (Dawn)
Alberta (Bright nobility)
Albertina (Bright nobility)
Albina (White skinned)
Albinia (White skinned)
Alcee (Strong willed)
Alcie (Strong willed)
Alcina (Strong willed)
Alda (Noble)
Alegra (Joyful)
Alessa (Defender)
Alessandra (Defender of mankind)
Alessandrina (Defender of mankind)
Alessandrine (Defender of mankind)
Alessia (Defender)
Aletta (Winged)
Alexandra (Defender of mankind)
Alfonsina (Noble and ready)
Allecra (Lively, Happy)
Allegra (Lively, Happy)
Allegria (Lively, Happy)
Alma (Soul)
Alonza (Ready for battle)
Amadea (To love God)
Amalea (Hard working)
Amalia (Hard working)
Ambra (Amber)
Aminta (Defender)
Andreana (Manly)
Andreina (Manly)
Andria (Love, Joy)
Angel (Messenger of God)
Angela (Messenger of God)
Angelia (Messenger of God)
Angelica (Messenger of God)
Angelina (Little angel)
Angeline (Little angel)
Angiola (Messenger of God)
Angioletta (Little angel)
Aniella (Little lamb)
Anita (Grace)
Anjelica (Angelic)
Anna (Gracious)
Annah (Gracious)
Annalisa (Combination of Anna + Lisa)
Annetta (Favour, Grace)
Annunciata (Announces)
Annunziata (Announces)
Annuziata (Announces)
Anonciada (Announces)
Antonia (Priceless)
Antonietta (Priceless)
Anzia (One armed)
Arabella (Answered prayer)
Aria (Melody)
Ariah (Lion)
Arianna (Very holy one)
Arietta (Melody)
Armani (Freeman)
Armida (Little armed one)
Armide (Little armed one)
Armonda (Man in the army)
Arsenia (Virile)
Aryana (Very holy one)
Aryanna (Very holy one)
Assunta (Assumption)
Azzurra (Sky blue)
Balbina (Stammers)
Bambi (Little girl)
Bambina (Little girl)
Bamhi (Little girl)
Baptiste (Named for John the Baptist)
Battista (Named for John the Baptist)
Bautista (Named for John the Baptist)
Beatrice (Brings joy)
Beatricia (Brings joy)
Beatrix (Brings joy)
Belinda (Beautiful snake)
Bella (My God is a vow)
Belladonna (Beautiful woman)
Bellance (White)
Bellina (Beautiful)
Bellissa (Fair, Lovely one)
Benedetta (Blessed)
Benigna (Kind)
Bernadetta (Bold as a bear)
Bertina (Bright nobility)
Betta (My God is a vow)
Bettina (My God is plentiful)
Bia (White)
Bianca (White)
Bianka (White)
Bibiana (Alive)
Bice (Brings joy)
Bionca (White)
Bionda (Blonde)
Blanca (White)
Bolonia (A form of Bologna)
Bona (Good)
Bonfila (Good daughter)
Bonfilia (Good daughter)
Bonifacia (Benefactor)
Bradamante (Wild lover)
Brandi (Fiery beacon)
Brigida (The exalted one)
Bruna (Dark haired)
Brunela (Armoured warrior woman)
Brunetta (Dark haired)
Brunilda (Armoured warrior woman)
Byanca (White)
Cadenza (Rhythmic)
Calandra (Skylark)
Calandre (Skylark)
Calinda (Skylark)
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Calogera (Beautiful elder)
Calvina (Little bald one)
Calynda (Skylark)
Camelia (Of a flower)
Cameo (Sculptured jewel)
Camilla (Of a flower)
Cannelita (Garden)
Caprice (Impulsive, Ruled by whim)
Capricia (Impulsive, Ruled by whim)
Cara (Friend)
Caresa (Embrace)
Carina (Dear little one)
Carissa (Embrace)
Carlotta (Strong)
Carmela (Garden)
Carolina (Strong)
Cascata (Waterfall)
Catarina (Pure)
Caterina (Pure)
Celestina (Heavenly)
Celia (Heaven)
Cerelia (Fertile)
Chiara (Clear, Bright)
Chiarina (Clear, Bright)
Cianna (God is gracious)
Cinzia (Woman from Kynthos)
Cipriana (From Cyprus)
Clara (Clear, Bright)
Clarissa (Clear, Bright)
Coco (Cook)
Colombina (Dove)
Concetta (Conception)
Concettina (Conception)
Consolata (Consolation)
Constanza (Constancy, Steadfastness)
Cosima (Order, Beauty)
Cristiana (Believer, Follower of Christ)
Crocetta (Crucifix, Way of the cross)
Crocifissa (Crucifix, Way of the cross)