Italian Baby Baby Names

Italian Baby Name Generator

Unique Italian Baby Names & Meanings


Gabi (Woman of God)

Gabriele (Warrior of God)  

Gabriella (Woman of God)  

Gaby (Woman of God)

Gaetana (From Caieta)

Gaetano (From Caieta)

Galilea (Sloping hills)

Gaspare (Treasure bearer)

Gasparo (Treasure bearer)

Gastone (From Gascony)

Gavino (Of Gabium)

Gavriella (Woman of God)

Geanna (God is gracious)

Geltrude (Spear strength)  

Gemma (Precious stone)  

Genevra (Race of women)

Gennaro (January)

Genoveffa (Race of women)

Geovana (Gift from God)

Gerardo (Spear strong)  

Germano (From Germany)

Geronimo (Holy name)

Gervasio (Spear servant)

Ghita (Pearl)

Gia (God is gracious)

Giachetta (Supplanter)

Giacinta (Hyacinth flower)

Giacinto (Hyacinth flower)

Giacobbe (Supplanter)  

Giada (Jade)  

Giambattista (God is gracious)

Giampaolo (God is gracious)

Giana (God is gracious)

Gianara (God is gracious)

Giancarlo (God is gracious, Man)

Gianfranco (God is gracious, Free)

Gianina (God is gracious)

Gianluca (God is gracious, From Lucania)

Gianluigi (God is gracious, Famous warrior)

Gianmarco (God is gracious, Defence)

Gianmaria (God is gracious, Rebellious)

Gianni (God is gracious)

Giannina (God is gracious)

Giannino (God is gracious)

Gianpaolo (God is gracious, Small)  

Gianpiero (God is gracious, Rock)

Gilda (Sacrifice)

Gina (Short form of name ending in -gina)  

Ginevra (Race of women)

Gino (Little immortal one)

Gioachino (Jehovah raises up)

Gioconda (Happy)

Gioffreda (God's peace)

Gioia (Happiness)

Giordano (Flowing down)

Giorgia (Earth worker, farmer)  

Giorgina (Earth worker, farmer)

Giorgino (Little earth worker, Farmer)

Giorgio (Earth worker, Farmer)  

Giosetta (God shall add another son)

Giosue (God is salvation)

Giovanna (God is gracious)  

Giovannetta (God is gracious)

Giovanni (God is gracious)  

Giraldo (Spear ruler)

Girolamo (Holy name)

Gisella (Pledge, Hostage, Noble offspring)

Giulia (Descended from Jupiter)  

Giuliana (Descended from Jupiter)

Giuliano (Descended from Jupiter)  

Giulietta (Descended from Jupiter)

Giulio (Descended from Jupiter)

Giuseppa (God shall add another son)

Giuseppe (God shall add another son)  

Giuseppina (God shall add another son)  

Giustina (Fair, Just)  

Giustino (Fair, Just)  

Goffredo (God's peace)

Grazia (Pleasing, Agreeable)  

Graziana (Pleasing, Agreeable)

Graziano (Pleasing, agreeable)

Graziella (Pleasing, Agreeable)

Gregario (Watchful, Vigilant)

Gualtiero (Ruler of the army)

Guerino (Cover, Shelter)

Guglielmo (Will-helmet)

Guiditta (Jewess, Praised)

Guido (Wide)

Guillelmina (Resolute protector)

Gulielma (Resolute protector)

Gustavo (Meditation staff)


Hadrian (From Hadria)

Hieronomo (Holy name)

Horace (Timekeeper)

Horatia (Timekeeper)

Horatio (Timekeeper)

Horry (Timekeeper)

Humiliana (Humble)


Ignacio (Fiery)

Ignazio (Fiery)  

Ilaria (Joyful, Happy)

Ilario (Cheerful)

Imelda (All warrior)

Immacolata (Immaculate)

Immaculata (Immaculate)

Ines (Chaste)

Iniga (Fiery)

Innocenzio (Innocent)

Ippolito (Horse freer)

Isabela (Consecrated to God)

Isabella (Consecrated to God)  

Isaia (God is salvation)

Italia (Calf)

Italina (Calf)

Italo (Of Italy)


Jacobella (Supplanter)

Jacopo (Supplanter)

Jemma (Jewel, Gem)

Jenoa (Knee)

Jenoah (Knee)

Jeovanni (God is gracious)

Jianna (God is gracious)

Jina (God is gracious)

Jiordano (Descend, Flow down)

Jiovanni (God is gracious)

Jolanda (Violet flower)

Jovanna (God is gracious)

Jovanni (God is gracious)

Jovannie (God is gracious)

Juliet (Descended from Jupiter)

Julietta (Descended from Jupiter)

Juliette (Descended from Jupiter)

Justina (Just, Righteous)

Justyna (Just, Righteous)


Kajetan (From Gaeta)

Kalanidhi (Receptacle of the moon crescent)

Kamelia (Botany)

Kami (Botany)

Kamie (Botany)

Kara (Friend)

Kara (Dear, Beloved)

Karah (Dear, Beloved)

Karina (Dear, Beloved)

Karisa (Embrace)

Karissa (Embrace)

Karlotta (Freeman)

Karrah (Dear, Beloved)

Karysa (Dear, Beloved)

Kiara (Clear, Bright)

Klarissa (Brilliant)

Kosmo (Order, Universe)

Kyara (Clear, Bright)


Lacole (Victorious people)

Lacrecia (Rich, Rewarded)

Ladislao (Rules with Glory)

Ladislas (Rules with Glory)

Ladonna (Lady)

Lalia (Well spoken)

Lando (Territory, Land)  

Lanfranco (Free man in his country)

Lanz (Land)

Lanzo (Land)

Larensa (From Laurentum)

Larenz (Laurel)

Larenzo (Laurel)

Laura (Crown of laurels)  

Laure (Crown of laurels)

Lauretta (Little laurel tree)

Lauro (Laurel)

Lazzaro (My God has helped)

Leandro (Lion man)

Leobardo (Lion strong)

Leola (Lion)

Leonardo (Lion hearted)  

Leone (Lion)

Leonora (Light)

Leontina (Lion)

Leontyne (Lion)

Leonzio (Lion like)

Leopoldo (Bold man)

Leora (Shining light)

Letizia (Glad)  

Lia (Dependent)

Liberatore (Liberator)

Liborio (Free)

Liliana (Lily)

Lino (Flax)

Lisa (Devoted to God)  

Lissandra (Defender of mankind)

Livio (Bluish)

Lodovico (Famous warrior)

Lokapele (Beautiful rose)

Loredana (Laurel grove)

Lorenz (Laurel)

Lorenza (From Laurentum)

Lorenzo (From the place of the laurel trees)  

Loreto (Laurel grove)

Loretta (Laurel)

Loretto (Crowned with Laurel)

Loretto (Laurel grove)

Loris (From the place of the laurel trees)

Lothario (Loud warrior)

Lotterio (Loud warrior)

Luca (From Lucania)  

Lucan (Light)

Lucca (Light)

Lucetta (Graceful light)

Lucette (Graceful light)

Lucia (Light)  

Luciana (Light)

Lucianna (Light)

Luciano (Light)

Lucie (Graceful light)

Lucilla (Graceful light)

Lucina (Graceful light)

Lucinda (Graceful light)

Lucio (Light)  

Lucrezia (Wealthy)  

Lucy (Graceful light)

Ludano (Light)

Ludo (Light)

Ludovica (Famous warrior)

Ludovico (Famous warrior)  

Luigi (Famous warrior)

Luigia (Famous warrior)

Luigina (Famous warrior)

Luigino (Famous warrior)

Luisa (Famous warrior)  

Luisella (Famous warrior)

Luka (Light)

Lukah (Light)

Lunetta (Little moon)


Macario (Blessed)

Maceo (Gift from God)

Maddalena (Magnificent)  

Madonna (My lady)

Mafalda (Mighty in battle)

Malvolia (Ill will)

Manfredo (Man of peace)

Manlio (Morning)

Mara (Bitter)  

Marcella (Defence, Of the sea)  

Marcellino (Defence, Of the sea)

Marcello (Defence, Of the sea)  

Marcelo (Defence, Of the sea)

Marchello (Defence, Of the sea)

Marciano (Warlike)

Marcio (From the God Mars)

Marco (Defence, Of the sea)  

Marcoantonio (Combination of Mark + Anthony)

Marea (Bitter)

Margherita (Pearl)  

Maria (Bitter)  

Mariaelena (Combination of Maria + Elena)

Mariano (Male, virile)

Marica (Bitter)

Marice (Bitter)

Mariella (Obstinacy, Rebelliousness)  

Marietta (Little rebel)  

Mariha (Bitter)

Marija (Bitter)

Marinella (Of the sea)

Marino (Sailor)

Mario (Male, virile)

Mariola (Bitter)

Mariya (Bitter)

Mariyah (Bitter)

Markanthony (Combination of Mark + Anthony)

Marquesa (Royalty)

Marsala (From Marseilles)

Marsalis (Warlike)

Marta (Lady, Mistress)  

Martino (From the God Mars)  

Marzia (Defence, Of the sea)

Marzio (Defence, Of the sea)

Masaccio (Twin)

Maso (Twin)

Massima (Great)

Massimiliano (The greatest)

Massimo (The greatest)  

Mataya (Gift of God)

Mattea (Gift of God)

Matteo (Gift from God)  

Mattia (Gift from God)  

Maura (Dark skinned, Moor)  

Maurizia (Bitter)

Maurizio (Dark skinned, Moor)  

Mauro (Dark skinned, Moor)

Maximiliano (The greatest)

Maximino (The greatest)

Maximo (The greatest)

Melania (Black, Dark)  

Melchiorre (King of light)

Meo (Son of Talmai)

Mercede (Merciful)

Messalina (Insatiable appetite)

Mia (Mine)

Miah (Mine)

Micaela (Who is like God)

Michel (God like)

Michela (Who is like God)  

Michelangela (Who is like God)

Michelangelo (Combination of Michel + Angelo)

Michele (God like)  

Michele (Who is like God)

Michelina (Who is like God)

Mila (Young ceremonial attendant)

Milana (Favour, Grace)

Mimi (Obstinacy, Rebelliousness)

Mirabella (Lovely, Wondrous)

Mirella (To admire)

Mishaila (Who is like God)

Modesta (Modesty)

Modesto (Moderate, Sober)

Mona (Hearkening)

Monalisa (Combination of Mona + Lisa)

Montae (Mountain)

Montay (Mountain)

Monte (Mountain)

Montel (Mountain)

Montes (Mountain)

Montez (Mountain)

Montrel (Mountain)

Montrell (Mountain)

Montrelle (Drawn out)

Mosé (Drawn out)

Mozart (Breathless)

Mya (Mine)

Myah (Mine)

Myia (Mine)

Mylon (From Milan)


Naldo (Short form of name ending with -naldo)

Nanda (Joy)

Napoleone (Lion of Naples)

Narciso (Numbness, sleep)

Nari (Cheerful)

Nario (Cheerful)

Nata (Christ's birthday)

Natale (Christ's birthday)

Natalia (Christ's birthday)  

Natalie (Christ's birthday)

Nataliya (Christ's birthday)

Nataly (Christ's birthday)

Natalya (Christ's birthday)

Natanaele (Given of God)

Natasha (Christ's birthday)  

Natashenka (Christ's birthday)

Nathalie (Christ's birthday)

Natka (Christ's birthday)

Nazario (Of Nazareth)

Nereza (Darkness)

Nerezza (Darkness)

Nerina (Water)

Nerio (Wet one)

Nero (Wise Warrior)

Nestore (Homecoming)

Nevio (Spotted)

Niccoló (Victor of the people)

Nico (Victor of the people)

Nicodemo (Victor of the people)

Nicola (Victor of the people)  

Nicola (Victor of the people)

Nicoletta (Victor of the people)

Nicoli (Victor of the people)

Nicolina (Victor of the people)

Nicoló (Victor of the people)

Nicomedo (Victor of the people)

Nicostrato (Victory army)

Nilda (Warrior woman)

Nino (God is gracious)

Noelia (Day of birth)

Noemi (My delight, My pleasantness)

Nora (Short form of name ending with -nora)  

Norina (Short form of name ending with -nora)

Norma (Standard, Rule)  

Nunzia (Announces)

Nunziatella (Announces)

Nunziatina (Announces)

Nunzio (Announces)


Octavia (Born eighth)

Octavius (Born eighth)

Olympia (From Olympus)

Onofrio (Defender of the peace)

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Orabella (Golden beautiful)

Orazia (Keeper of time)

Orazio (Prayer)  

Orfelina (Orphan)

Orfeo (Deprived, Darkness)

Oria (Golden)

Oriana (The east, Sunrise)

Orland (Famous land)

Orlanda (Famous land)

Orlando (Famous land)

Orlane (Famous land)

Orlinda (Famous land)

Orlondo (Famous land)

Ornella (Flowering ash tree)

Orquidea (Beautiful as a flower)

Orsina (Bear like)

Orsino (Bear like)

Orso (Bear)

Orsola (Little she-bear)

Ortensia (Garden)

Osvaldo (Divine power)

Otavia (Born eighth)

Otello (Wealthy)

Othello (Wealthy)

Otón (Wealthy)

Otoniel (Wealthy)

Ottavia (Born eighth)

Ottaviano (Born eighth)

Ottavio (Born eighth)

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Paco (Pack)

Palmira (Pilgrim)

Paola (Little)  

Paolina (Little)  

Paolo (Little)  

Pascal (Easter baby)

Pasquale (Easter baby)

Pasqualina (Passover, Easter)

Patrizia (Noble)  

Patrizio (Noble, Patrician)  

Peppe (God will add)

Perla (Pearl)

Perlita (Pearl)

Petronel (Little rock)

Petronella (Little rock)

Pia (Devout)

Piera (Rock, Stone)

Pierina (Rock, Stone)

Piero (Small rock)

Pietro (Stone)  

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Pietronella (Little rock)

Pina (Short form of name ending -pina)

Pio (Pious)

Pippino (He adds)

Piscina (Water)

Poeta (Poetry)

Primeiro (Born first)

Primo (Born first)


Quirino (Men together)


Rachele (Ewe)  

Rafaele (God has healed)

Rafaello (God has healed)

Raffaela (God has healed)

Raffaella (God has healed)

Raimonda (Wise protector)

Raimondo (Wise protector)  

Rainieri (Counsellor)

Ranieri (Wise warrior)

Raniero (Wise warrior)

Raphael (God has healed)

Raul (Wise wolf)

Ravenna (Raven)

Regina (Queen)  

Remigio (Oarsman)

Remo (Oar, swift)

Renata (Rebirth)  

Renatka (Rebirth)

Renato (Reborn)

Renia (Rebirth)

Renzo (Of Laurentum)

Reperto (Bright fame)

Ric (Strong ruler)

Ricadonna (Ruling lady)

Ricarda (Ruling lady)

Ricardo (Strong ruler)

Riccarda (Ruling lady)

Riccardo (Strong ruler)  

Ricciardo (Strong ruler)

Ricco (Strong ruler)

Rico (Strong ruler)

Rigo (Ridge)

Rinaldo (Wise power)

Rino (Short form for name ending in -rino)

Roberta (Bright fame)  

Robertina (Bright fame)

Roberto (Bright fame)  

Rocco (Rest, Rock)

Rodolfo (Famous wolf)

Rodrigo (Famous ruler)

Roma (From Rome)

Roma (From Rome)

Romana (From Rome)

Romano (From Rome)

Romario (Citizen of Rome)

Romello (Citizen of Rome)

Romelo (Citizen of Rome)

Romeo (Citizen of Rome)

Romero (Citizen of Rome)

Romhilda (Famous battle)

Romia (From Rome)

Romilda (Famous battle)

Romola (From Rome)

Romolo (From Rome)

Romy (From Rome)

Roque (Rest, Rock)

Rosa (Rose)  

Rosabel (Beautiful rose)

Rosabela (Beautiful rose)

Rosabella (Beautiful rose)

Rosabelle (Beautiful rose)

Rosalba (Rose of dawn)

Rosalia (Rose)

Rosalie (Rose)

Rosalva (Rose of dawn)

Rosangela (Rose-angel)

Rosanna (Rose of grace)

Rosannah (Rose of grace)

Rosaria (Rosary)

Rosario (Rosary)

Rosella (Rose)

Rosetta (Little rose)

Rosina (Rose)

Rossella (Rose)

Rozalia (Rose)

Rudolpho (Famous wolf)

Ruffina (Red head)

Rufina (Red head)

Rufino (Red haired)

Ruggero (Famous spear)

Ruggiero (Famous spear)


Sabato (Born on Saturday)

Sabino (Follower of another religion)

Sabrina (From the border)  

Sal (Saviour)

Sal (Saviour)

Salvator (Saviour)

Salvatora (Saviour)

Salvatore (Saviour)

Salvatori (Saviour)

Salvatorio (Saviour)

Salvatorre (Saviour)

Salvatrice (Saviour)

Samanta (Heard of God)

Samuela (Heard of God)

Samuele (Heard of God)  

Sancia (Holy)

Sandra (Defender of mankind)  

Sandro (Defender of mankind)

Sansone (Like the sun)

Santa (Holy)

Santino (Little saint)

Santo (Holy)

Santuzza (Holy)

Saturnino (To sow)

Saveria (A new house)

Saverio (A new house)

Savina (Sabine, Follower of another religion)

Savino (Follower of another religion)

Savio (Clever)

Scevola (Left-handed)

Scirocco (Warm wind)

Sebastiana (Revered)

Sebastiano (From Sebaste)  

Sebastiene (Revered)

Selvaggia (Wild)

Serafina (Burning one)

Serafino (Burning one, Serpent)

Serena (Serene)  

Sergio (Sergeant)

Sesto (Sixth)

Settimio (Seventh)

Severiano (Stern)

Severina (Severe)

Séverine (Prudent, Wise)

Severo (Stern)

Seweryna (Stern, Severe)

Siena (From Siena)

Sienna (Reddish orange brown)

Silvana (From the forest)

Silvano (From the forest)

Silvestro (From the forest)

Silvia (From the forest)  

Silvio (From the forest)

Simona (Hearkening)  

Simone (Hearkening)  

Simonetta (Hearkening)

Sofia (Wisdom)  

Sonia (Wisdom)

Stefania (Crown)  

Stefano (Crown)  

Susana (Lily)

Sylvana (From the forest)


Tacito (Mute, Silent)

Taddeo (Courageous, Large-hearted)

Tala (Christ's birthday)

Talka (Christ's birthday)

Támmaro (Thinks of being famous)

Tancredo (Thought-counsel)

Tasha (Christ's birthday)

Tazia (One who will be reborn)

Tazio (King, Ruler)

Tecla (Glory of God)

Tempo (Time)

Teobaldo (People-bold)

Teodora (Gift of God)

Teodoro (God given)  

Teodosio (God given)

Teofila (God's friend)

Teofilo (Friend of God)

Terenzio (Rub, Twist, Turn)  

Teresa (Harvester)  

Teresina (Reaper)

Terza (Third)

Terzo (Third)

Thorello (Young bull)

Tiberia (From the Tiber)

Tiberio (From the Tiber)

Timoteo (To honour God)

Tina (Short form of name ending with -tina)  

Tino (Little, Small)

Tito (Fire, To burn)

Tiziana (Of the Titans)

Tiziano (Of the titans)

Tommaso (Twin)  

Tonia (Invaluable)

Tonio (Invaluable)

Tore (Saviour)

Torre (Tower)

Traviata (Astray)

Trista (Sad)

Tristano (Bold)

Tulio (Lively)

Tullio (Lively)


Ubaldo (Peace of Mind)

Uberto (Bright heart/spirit)

Ucello (Bird)

Udalrico (Merciful ruler)

Ugo (Heart, Mind, Spirit)

Ulderico (Merciful ruler)

Ulisse (Walker)

Ullivieri (Olive tree)

Umberto (Bright support)

Umfredo (Giant peace)

Urbano (Of the city)

Urso (Bear)

Uso (Intelligent)


Valentia (Brave)

Valentina (Brave)

Valentino (Healthy, Strong)  

Valeria (Healthy, Strong)  

Valeriano (Healthy, Strong)

Valerio (Healthy, Strong)

Vanda (Wanderer)

Vanna (God is gracious)

Vanni (God is gracious)

Vedette (Sentry)

Vegliantino (The little vigilant one)

Velia (Concealed)

Venceslao (More glory)

Vicenzo (Conquering)

Vico (Conquering)

Vincente (Conquering)

Vincenza (Conquering)

Vincenzo (Conquering)  

Vinicio (Vine)

Violetta (Violet flower)

Virgilio (Flourishing)

Vitale (Of life, Vital)

Vitalia (Of life, Vital)

Vito (Life)

Vittore (Conqueror)

Vittoria (Conqueror, Victory)  

Vittorino (Conqueror)

Vittorio (Conqueror)  

Viviana (Alive)  

Volante (Flying)


Xaviera (New house)

Xaviero (A new house)

Xiomar (Famous in battle)


Ysabel (Consecrated to God)

Ysabelle (Consecrated to God)


Zaira (Dawning)

Zan (Clown)

Zanebono (The good one)

Zanipolo (Little gift from God)

Zarah (Dawning)

Zeno (Gift of Zeus)

Zenzo (Crowned with Laurels)

Zeta (Little girl)

Zia (Splendour, light)

Zinerva (Fair or light haired)

Zita (Little girl)